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We've done it!


We have some exciting news....we got some funding!!

As it stands, Sustrans and Transport Scotland have committed to working with the council to deliver the Dunkeld Road corridor, which links Luncarty to the city centre.

In order to start taking things forward, we will be rolling out a significant consultation programme later this year, which will involve a number of public events. We will announce details of these in advance, when we have enough information to do so and have some additional resources on board.

We acknowledge change of this scale can be scary and the unknown can make some people feel anxious as to what lies ahead, so we would like to take this opportunity to clarify that no decision has been taken as to what the design will look like.

The initial images for Dunkeld Road were part of a feasibility exercise, which was aimed as generating a debate on how we want our streets to operate and what we want from our city. Thankfully, you and wider public joined the debate and showed a healthy appetite for change. There are also others who don't want change and disagreed with the initial proposals and that is ok! We are not looking for everyone to agree, as that is completely unrealistic.

What we do want to create is an understanding of why we are looking to make important changes and in order to do that, we know we need to take the time and create opportunities to talk to people, understand their concerns and how we can look to overcome them or, as a minimum, help clarify the picture and reduce any anxieties they may have.

This project aims to deliver better streets for people. It's about Perth, People, Place.

Posted on 7th August 2019

by Michael Morgan