Active Perth Proposals

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We've done it!


We have some exciting news....we got some funding!!

As it stands, Sustrans and Transport Scotland have committed to working with the council to deliver the Dunkeld Road corridor, which links Luncarty to the city centre.

In order to start taking things forward, we will be rolling out a significant consultation programme later this year, which will involve a number of public events. We will announce details of these in advance, when we have enough information to do so and have some additional resources on board.

We acknowledge change of this scale can be scary and the unknown can make some people feel anxious as to what lies ahead, so we would like to take this opportunity to clarify that no decision has been taken as to what the design will look like.

The initial images for Dunkeld Road were part of a feasibility exercise, which was aimed as generating a debate on how we want our streets to operate and what we want from our city. Thankfully, you and wider public joined the debate and showed a healthy appetite for change. There are also others who don't want change and disagreed with the initial proposals and that is ok! We are not looking for everyone to agree, as that is completely unrealistic.

What we do want to create is an understanding of why we are looking to make important changes and in order to do that, we know we need to take the time and create opportunities to talk to people, understand their concerns and how we can look to overcome them or, as a minimum, help clarify the picture and reduce any anxieties they may have.

This project aims to deliver better streets for people. It's about Perth, People, Place.

Posted on 7th August 2019

by Michael Morgan


First of all, hello to our new subscribers - we seem to have gained a few since we last released some news, which is great to see!

First thing first; we have some engagement coming up this weekend. Staff will be present at the Zero Waste Perth outlet in St John's Shopping Centre (South Street entrance) on Saturday 16th March, between 12-4pm. So please come along to discuss our proposals if you have the time!

We are aware there has been some negative comments on our proposals, but then bold statements will always split opinion and there is nothing wrong with people disagreeing with what we are proposing. What we do want to do is have an informed debate and that is why we will be in Perth on Saturday.

Some of the comments focus on some topics below and we want to try and de-myth some of these:

  • Nobody will use the cycle lanes - Built properly, cycle lanes offer an efficient form of transport and this is how we view them. The lanes will be part of a wider network and will be designed to provide people with a quicker route over a short distance. If people choose to take the car, that is ok! But there are plenty of people who want to see cycle lanes in Perth and this was backed up in the Bike Life Perth survey
  • Weather - Whilst it is Scottish tradition to think it rains everyday or 'all the time' doesn't. In fact, the climate with Perth is a lot drier to settlements on the west coast of Scotland. And for short journey's, there is plenty of opportunity for people to choose a bike or walk, over the car.
  • 'We aren't Copenhagen or Amsterdam' - Very true. This is Perth, where there is a lot of flat streets, with some climbs. That said, this is about people and people want convenience. They want to get from A to B quickly and over short journey's, a bike is a lot more efficient than a car. It's also cheaper to use and takes up less space to park.
  • We recognise there is a place for the car, particularly with those in rural communities and limited mobility. We also understand that people won't look to use a bike every day and every journey, and that is completely fine! What we want to do is provide people with an alternative to the car for short journey's which will allow efficient movement across the city centre. By designing the network properly and delivering high quality segregated lanes, we are quietly confident that people will use the lanes, especially children. And ultimately that is what the investment is about - safer streets for people.

    Posted on 14th March 2019

    by Michael Morgan


    Apologies for the lack of updates, it's been a bit busy here!

    Have you heard of Bike Life Perth? It's a project we did with Sustrans, which resulted in a public survey in Perth and active travel. The report can be accessed through this link and the attached Newsletter

    The report highlights a lot of information and graphics, but highlights the amount of public support - 69%! - for cycle lanes, even if that is at the expense of carriageway space. We are working to ensure this is not at the expenses of pavements, which requires us to review other parts of the street space i.e. bus lanes and shared lanes.

    The proposals aren't final and we are seeking feedback to help define the designs going forward, so please share this update via the social media links below.

    Thank you

    Posted on 22nd February 2019

    by Michael Morgan

    Hello and welcome...!


    To those of you who have started following us recently, welcome to our new website which aims to promote investment in our streets to make them people friendly. We ask that you take the time, when convenient, to read up on the background and our journey to this point (no pun intended!).

    We are driven by the input we receive from you, the public (good or bad!) and request that you try and promote the website as often as you can via social media, to help get the word out. We are in times of rapid social change and this is an opportunity to reinstall civic pride in our public spaces, creating opportunities for social interaction and local economic growth.

    You might ask why we are proposing the changes we've highlighted on this website? Well, cars are actually an inefficient way of moving around cities in the modern day, simply because there are too many of them. Whilst we welcome cars into the city centre, statistics show that over 60% of all car journeys are under 3kms. What does that look like? Well, the following link shows that in the context of Perth - 3km boundary around Perth City Centre

    This investment is aimed at trying to encourage those who live and work locally to use a bike, every once in a while, by designing streets which deliver safe, direct, coherent and attractive cycle lanes, away from moving vehicles.

    So please get commenting and let us know what you think! You can also contact us on the details below (email account) (Facebook page) (Twitter account) (Instagram account)

    Posted on 5th February 2019

    by Michael Morgan